1. What did you do in 2011 that you’d never done before:
- Hmm, party a little to much xD

2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year:
- i did good i think :P and not really any new ones.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth:
- Hmm no dont think so

4. Did anyone close to you die:
- no one that close to me

5. What countries did you visit:
- sadly noon, or dont think finland really counts^^

6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011:
- more skills in something:P and be more fit^^,

7. What date from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory, and why:
- hmm the day i met Tichi<3 or maybe Joni, or maybe all new friends and people i met:P been a pretty good year so alot to remember.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year:
- hmm, deciding to go back to school ? xP

9. What was your biggest failure:
- no driverlicens? i guess :P

10. Did you suffer illness or injury:
- nothing really bad but yeah

11. What was the best thing you bought:
- my phone xD haha lol idk ^^

12. Where did most of your money go:
-  Food, bills, hair dyes, shoes, alcohol and cloths i think^^

13. What did you get really, really, really excited about:
- i have no idea, my own apartment maybe

14. What song will always remind you of 2011:
- Ready go i think =D

15. Compared to this time last year, are you:
- more hot-headed and temperamental:
- nope.

16. What do you wish you’d done more of:
-Saving money. T.T went to new citys and countrys

17. What do you wish you’d done less of:
- Shopping maybe xD

18. How did you spend Christmas:
- with family at first and then with friends and my boyfriend:P

19. Did you fall in love in 2011:
- hihi seems like i did:P

20. How many one-night stands?
- haha noone

21. What was your favorite TV program:
- Gossip Girl, ANTM, american  horror story, fairy tail, 2ne1tv:P and a few more. ^^~

22. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year:
- haha no comments xP

23. What was the best book you read:
- i don’t know… they were all pretty good (:

24. What was your greatest musical discovery:
- lol like alot of music this year so gona go with that^^

25. What did you want and got:
- lol think i got most of the things i wanted^^

26. What did you want and not get:

- hmm to travel

27. What was your favorite film of this year:
- öm lol i have no idea

28. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you:
- lol this year i turned 21^^ haha oh, i was in stockholm on my birthday:P

29. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying:
- a trip to asia

30. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2011:
- i don’t know, dark ? xD

31. What kept you sane? For most of the year:
- friends and music, oh and my Tichi<3

32. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most:
- dont know~

33. What political issues stirred you the most:
-  wtf. okay i admit i’m not into political issues at all.

34. Who did you miss:
- old friends

35. Who was the best new person you met:
- quite a few of them <3

36. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011:
- do anything you want but make sure you like it. lol

37. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
- hmm Step it up maybe. feels like i stept up alot this year

38. Where did you begin 2011:
- with my ex and cat

39. What was your relationship status by Valentine’s Day:
- single xD

40. Were you in school anytime this year:
- No :)

41. How did you earn your money:
- hmm, goofing of? xD

42. Did you have to go to the hospital:
- not that i remember:P

43. Did you have any encounters with the police:
- nope.

44. Would you relive 2011 over and over again:
- hmm nah im good

45. What did you purchase that was over $1000:
- nothing, i think

46. Did you know anybody who got married:
- i dont think so.

47. Has anyone betrayed you in 2011:
- hmm maybe but lets leave it at no comments^^.

48. Where do you live now:
- In my own apartment

49. What’s something you thought you’d never do but did in 2011:
- lol drink so much that i did xP

50. What has been your favorite moment:
- loads and loads of them. i can’t choose a fave.

51. What’s something you learned about yourself:
- i smile and i can drink alot T.T~ lol

52. Were you in a relationship this year:
- yes at the end of it:P and still am

53. Would you say you’ve changed since the beginning of this year?
- yeah i would.

54. Do you think 2012 will be better or worse:
- hopefully better, but u never know, i have my wishes


simply thoughts

I want to sit in front of you and open myself up like an over read book. I want to be able to be honest with you and tell you everything that’s been steeping in my head, and in my heart for too long. But I can’t. I’m too afraid to get hurt, to discover the truth – the truth that probably differs from my own. So instead, I’ll sit down and spell out the words and feelings I’m too afraid to look you in the eyes and say....

My boy

Min älskling va gullig igår, hihi fick choklad:D

så söt kille man har:P haha xD

just nu dricker jag kaffe och väntar på Tichi<3 hehehehe. försökte hjälpa mamma me sin hemtelefon men inte det lättaste kan man ju säga. suck borde nästan jobba som teknisktsupport slipper hon sura när ja inte kan hjälpa henne xP aja det löser sig väl. är säkert stormensfel men man vet ju aldrig. 

nä om man ska läsa lite bloggar, dricka klart kaffet och göra sig redo för en sväng på stan me Tich:D hör sen... 
och btw vill gärna ha blogg.se appen till android oxå inte bara fuckin iphön.
suck. puss pusss

Damm you!!!

Moy moy!!
svårt att sova, sitter och snackar om allt o inget med Tich^^, hihi.
lite seg dag, men men tich va gulligt o kom me julklappar och bjöd på pizza xD
bästa lilla Tichi<33 önskar bara att ett visst litet mumintroll kunde ha tittat förbi en sväng.
men men nu orkar ja inte skriva, fortfarande ont i magen och i ryggen och typ lite överallt. men men får se om man lyckas få någon sömn eller inte. fryser gör jag visst oxå. aja peace out!!!

Igår var lätt bästa dagen på året. sjukt awesome

Största tacken går till min Tichi<3 och mitt lilla mumintroll Joni<3


give me just one day

sitter o dricker te, äter knäcke me rödlök på och bara allmänt chillar;P
varit på stan o shoppat julklappar<3 bästa momo.
firat mor min som fyller år idag:D stort grattis på henne.
Sen har jag suttit i mitt kök, rökt, chillat, snackat om allt och inget med min älskling Tichi<3
såå mysigt, önskar man hade fler såna stunder, oftare och me fler pers. men men nu ska ja ta o fixa nått mer att äta känner mej hungrig bara käkat tårta idag typ;P hehe ups ^^,

Puss o kram ses på stan:D


Igår va en bra dag:D puss på Tichi<3 och alla andra ja va me igår :D

Just a hug


Sitter o lyssnar på musik, dricker glögg och funderar.
Saker och ting blir aldrig som man hoppas? why?
E sjukt trött, knappt sovit eller ätit nått för den delen idag..a bit sad tbh.
men inte mkt jag orkar göra åt det heller direkt.
Saknar för när man helt random bara drog iväg och fika med vänner eller vad som helst. saknar lite det här att ses snacka om allt och inget, nu sker så mkt över fb och mobilen. lite lame men aa världen förändras.
aja nu ska jag sätta mej o spela nått eller glo på nått orkar inte tänka så mkt mer just nu. cya
(lite random pics bara)


One time, one place

Stop and go back....

En viss snygging påminde mej om att ja inte bloggat på ett tag. lol inte orkat och har typ glömt bort, haft tankar på annat håll. Just nu ligger jag i soffan hemma hos mamma i hennes nya fina lägenhet. Gillar den, mkt mysig och underbar balkong. ja vill oxå flytta till en två. gife me cash =D 

vad har hänt sen sist...öö har skaffat en gullig pojkvän ^^, städat min lägenhet, öö blivit röd hårig ^^, varit ute o druckigt öl me favorit folket. hmm vad mer, jo julpyntat hemma:D måste fixa bild på det ju:O haha
nä orkar inte skriva mer, nu ska jag pussa om min pojke som fyller tre år ida:D han blir stor=D puss på dej min älskling Kirachan<3<3...

red hair

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